Our house had no doors including bathroom doors and shower curtains give only a small amount of privacy. Not to mention it put a damper in entertaining Purchasing doors were pretty high on Todd's Honey Due List. |
For the Office door we chose a a Twelve Light oak door
Egg knob with a lock so we could keep files IN the filing cabinet
In the basement we went with a craftmans style and painted it white due to the lower level having fewer windows. The white gives a feeling of vibrant instead of dark and old.
Todd wanted to build the doors but due to the cost of wood and time
We found that buying them was just as economical as building them.
We purchased Solid Oak two panel doors at Menards during their 15% off sale
( they have this sale probably 5times a year)
Flat Panel Doors, also known as Mission or Crafts style
In a flat panel door, a large panel is fitted into a groove in the interior edge of a more dimensionally stable frame. The panel is sized slightly smaller than actual dimension that the grooved frame will accommodate, without being physically attached to the frame. Since the panel is given a little "room to move" and isnt' physically attached to the frame, it is free to expand and contract with seasonal changes in humidity without affecting the stable shape and size of the frame.
Sunroom door that leads to the master bath is the same as the office door