After seeing multiple saving money tips from the Today Show, This Old House, and other sources we decided to get a programmable thermostat.
We thought this would be a simple Sunday afternoon project, but nothing so far in this house has been simple.
The 3M Filtrete 7-Day Touch Screen Programmable Thermostat offers 4 program periods per day for your comfort and convenience. It has a beautiful, bright back-lit display that is easy to read. It has a near universal HVAC system compatibility including heat pumps (with auxiliary), 1 or 2 stage furnaces, and 1 or 2 stage compressors. A handy holiday program allows for a completely separate one-day program. The thermostat includes low-battery and filter-change indicators.
The Old Thermostat was programmable but it was a broken feature.
The wiring was simple and all the instructions were easy to follow and included. |
This is when a hour long project took a turn to a week long project
DRYWALL .....The new thermostat did not cover the hole where the old one was.
This meant we needed to spackle and then also paint the wall.
Finished...It helps with the cost of heat but still going through $$$ in propane, so we are now on the hunt for a wood burner insert...